Download whitepaper here
Is your institution ready?
While the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the way we live and work, it also has given rise to rapid technological advances and innovations necessary to help us thrive at the height of the information age. For researchers studying the pandemic and other pressing topics at research institutions around the world, the universe of scholarly publishing and research dissemination has been no exception, at a time when unfettered access to information and rapid, transparent publication has never been more important.
To support research institutions navigating the fast-evolving future of academic publishing to support their faculty and researchers, the pioneers at F1000 convened a panel of research development and open science experts to discuss current trends and opportunities in open research and scholarly publishing. Their exclusive whitepaper: The Future is Open: Evolution of Scholarly Research in the Information Age, is now available at no cost or obligation.
Complete the form to download your copy of this important whitepaper now.
儘管 COVID-19 疫情改變了我們的生活和工作方式,但它也帶來了必要且快速的技術進步和創新,以幫助我們在資訊時代的鼎盛時期蓬勃發展。對於在世界各地的研究機構中研究大流行病和其他迫切主題的研究人員來說,學術出版和研究傳播領域也不例外,在這個時代,不受限制地獲取訊息和快速、透明的出版從未如此重要。
為了支持研究機構在快速發展的學術出版未來中為他們的教師和研究人員提供協助,F1000 的先驅們召集了一個研究發展和開放科學專家小組,討論開放研究和學術出版的當前趨勢和機會。他們獨家發行的白皮書:以開放科學領航未來: 學術研究在資訊時代下的演變,現已開放免費閱覽。
Important insights for research professionals
This white paper includes valuable information, such as:
- Why the open science movement is gaining momentum around the world.
- How funder and government regulations are fueling research developments and scholarly publishing trends.
- How researchers and their institutions benefit from the sharing economy.
- Expert predictions for the future of academic publishing.
- 為什麼全世界對於轉向開放科學的趨勢越發熱烈
- 資助者與政府規章將如何刺激研究發展與學術出版趨勢
- 研究者與其機構將如何得益於共享經濟
- 專家洞悉學術出版的未來發展
More Insights
Watch our exclusive webinars for research professionals for a lively, interactive discussion around open science, research development, innovation, collaboration, trends and opportunities in the industry. All to better quantify and communicate your institution's research beyond just funding and dollars earned.